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with Claudia Fuller
Thursdays, October 5 & 12
1pm – 3pm
Requested donation: $20 for the two session class.
Let’s make a single sheet coptic binding book. I just learned this stitch this summer and want to share it. The signatures in this book, instead of being folded, are single sheets of thicker weight paper. We’ll use four (4) needles to sew the book together. This is NOT a technique for beginning book makers. In the first 2 hour class we shall make book cloth and attach it to the book board to form our covers. If using paper for the cover, students will cover book board with their selected paper. We’ll also get our pages cut to size and poke holes in them. In the second 2 hour class we’ll sew our books together.
Claudia Fuller is a mixed media artist who has always enjoyed creating artful items. Ten years ago, she made her first book and hasn’t stopped since. She makes books for gifts and she makes books to fill with her art making. She uses watercolor papers, book board and book cloth for some journals and recycled boxes and cardboard for others. Filling books with painting, calligraphy, quotes and memories is how she documents her life.