Falling Leaves with Ivy Breen!
Ivy Breen, Instructor
Date: Wednesday, November 1st & 6th, 2023 (12-4pm)
Tuition: $50
Eat your lunch early and then come to the Art School because this is
now a four-hour workshop!Learn the Fun and Excitement of watercolor as you follow along step by step to create a finished painting. You will learn three part composition, what colors are compatible, simple masking techniques and creating texture with a water medium.
You will go home with your own beautiful watercolor creation! Please arrive ten minutes early to set up and prepare to start on time.
All supplies are provided! All you need to bring is your self and a 🙂
P.S. You can paint the sky any color you want for this autumnal tree setting.
Registration for the 1st:
Breen, Ivy (#6389)- Falling Leaves with Ivy Breen!, November 1, 2023, 12-4 p.m.
Registration for the 6th:
Breen, Ivy (#6390)- Falling Leaves with Ivy Breen!, November 6, 2023, 12-4 p.m.