Every first Saturday of the month the galleries of Langley keep their doors open late to allow visitors a leisurely and festive stroll through town to a variety of destinations showing new art. Meet the artists and be the first to view new installations.
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Rob Schouten Gallery presents Celebrating the Life and Art of Alfredo Arreguín; 1935 - 2023 August 2 - 28 Opening Reception Saturday, August 5 from 5 - 7 Remembrance of Alfredo’s life, hosted by poet Tess Gallagher Sunday, August 6 at 2 in our Sculpture Garden Renowned painter Alfredo Arreguín passed away in April of this year after a long and groundbreaking career. Arreguín was born in Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico and came to Seattle in 1956. He attended the…
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Whidbey Plein Air Paint Out! Artist Registration: $70 Paint Out: Monday, August 14th – Thursday, August 17th, 2023, all-day painting hours, locations all around Whidbey Island Artwork Submission: Thursday, August 17th, 4pm – 6pm @ PNWAS (Pacific NorthWest Art School) Gala: Friday, August 18th, 6pm – 9pm @ PNWAS Weekend Art Sale: Saturday, August 19th & Sunday, August 20th, 10am – 4pm @ PNWAS Plein Air Artists! We want YOU next summer for our fourth annual Plein Air event, August 14-17, 2023 on gorgeous Whidbey Island.…
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“WHIDBEY! BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL!” returns to WHIIDBEY ISLAND CENTER for the ARTS in (ASW) Artists of South Whidbey’s 46th Annual Art Show and Sale after a three year absence. An abundance from which to choose! Beloved island landscapes, rascally rabbits and “everything under the sun” are found in original paintings, prints and cards, weavings, quilting and 2D wall art for sale by local artists of Whidbey Island. Purchases will benefit WICA, Artists and programs that support the island community. Free and…
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Meander Dance Collective presents “Into the Woods” Annual Summer Concert Whidbey Institute Story House Stage August 18, 19, 20 (Fri 6p Sat 6p Sun 2p) 6449 Old Pietila Rd Clinton WA 98236 South Whidbey State Park Amphitheater August 25, 26, 27 (Fri 6p Sat 6p Sun 2p) 4128 S. Smugglers Cove Road Freeland, WA 98249
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Meander Dance Collective presents “Into the Woods” Annual Summer Concert Whidbey Institute Story House Stage August 18, 19, 20 (Fri 6p Sat 6p Sun 2p) 6449 Old Pietila Rd Clinton WA 98236 South Whidbey State Park Amphitheater August 25, 26, 27 (Fri 6p Sat 6p Sun 2p) 4128 S. Smugglers Cove Road Freeland, WA 98249
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Island Shakespeare Festival in Collaboration with WICA Presents: August Wednesdays at WICA This week’s show: Expand the Canon; Why We Need Women Writers How many classic female playwrights can you name? If the answer is less than three, you should attend this event! Meet Emily Lyon, the Artistic Director of New York’s Hedgepig Ensemble Theatre –– and director of Island Shakespeare Festival’s A Bold Stroke for a Husband. We’ll discuss the need for a canon of classics that includes a…
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Woodworkers Guild Presents the 19th Annual “Art + Wood = Woodpalooza” Exhibition on Beautiful Whidbey Island The Whidbey Island Woodworkers Guild is pleased to announce the return of our “Art + Wood = Woodpalooza @ WICA” Exhibition – the 19th Annual Show of Whidbey’s Finest Woodwork at WICA (Whidbey Island Center for the Arts). This year’s show promises exceptional work by twenty of Whidbey’s best! September 2 - 4, 2023 Exhibition (free) open Noon - 5PM daily. …
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WATERCOLOR SEPTEMBER PRACTICE CLASS With Ellen Santoni Tuesdays, September 5, 12, 19, 26 9 am to 11 am Suggested donation: $40 for the four session class This class is for people who have had a basic introduction to watercolor painting or have a regular practice. In each class watercolor painter Ellen Santoni will offer one or two techniques with practice activities. This way you can grow your repertoire of skills and increase your joy in the magical process of painting…
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Requested donation: $40 for the four session class Do you have some basic experience playing ukulele and want to learn more? Or perhaps you’ve put your uke down and want to get started again? This class is for people who have a basic knowledge of uke playing--how to hold and tune your instrument, play some basic chords, and know how to play along with some easy songs. It’s also for people of any experience who want to play along with…
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Create a beautiful leaf-patterned bowl using the slab building method. We'll provide everything you need to successfully complete this project- but if you want to give it a more personal touch you can bring in your own leaves to press for textural effects! Ages 14+ September 16 from 5:00 - 6:30pm (clay work) September 30 from 5 - 6:00pm (glazing) Projects will be available to pick up after October 14. Unclaimed projects will be discarded November 1. Refunds or exchanges…
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Whidbey Playhouse presents Play On! by Rick Abbot. This is a laugh-out-loud-until-you-cry comedy about a group of actors trying to put on a play. The Author keeps changing the script, the coffee is questionable, and the wall falls during their performance! Will they ever get their play finished? Act I is their rehearsal set in 1980; Act II is their Dress Rehearsal; and Act III is their Opening Night. Whidbey Playhouse is two blocks from Downtown Oak Harbor; and is…
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Rob Schouten Gallery presents Mary Ellen O’Connor - 24k gold on copper Anna Mastronardi Novak - color pencil October 4 - 31 Artist’s Reception on Saturday, October 7 from 5 to 7 during Langley’s First Saturday Art Walk. Metalsmith Mary Ellen O’Connor makes unique works in 24k gold on polished copper. Following her passion for animals, nature, and wildlife her works exude a calm elegance influenced by Asian design and esthetics. After applying the gold leaf design a process of heat treating the…
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Featured Artist Sarah Silverman-Pucci (not related to the comedian) is a Seattle native who now lives in Oak Harbor. Her art education includes a Bachelor's in Illustration, and a further certification in Scientific Illustration from the University of Washington. Sarah says she has always considered herself an artist even when not pursuing art as a career. As a kid she spent hours drawing dinosaurs, dragons, and cat people. Her subjects transitioned into mainly plants and animals as an adult. In…
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BOOKMAKING: THE SINGLE PAGE COPTIC BOOK with Claudia Fuller Thursdays, October 5 & 12 1pm - 3pm Requested donation: $20 for the two session class. Let’s make a single sheet coptic binding book. I just learned this stitch this summer and want to share it. The signatures in this book, instead of being folded, are single sheets of thicker weight paper. We’ll use four (4) needles to sew the book together. This is NOT a technique for beginning book makers.…
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Join us on Friday evenings for the exhilarating and fun experience of wheel throwing with instructor Kristine McInvaille. Unleash your creativity and hone your pottery skills in this 6 week immersive course where you'll wedge clay, center, throw basic forms and glaze. This class is perfect if you're new to the pottery wheel, or need to practice the fundamentals. Ages 14+ September 8, 15, 22, 29, October 6, 13 5:00 - 7:30pm One bag of clay is included with tuition.…
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Join us for the Arts on Whidbey exhibition and fundraiser for the Langley Arts Fund this October, featuring the Whidbey Island Art Council's member artists.
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Written by poet and novelist David Wagoner, it takes us on an immersive, lyrical journey with the influential American naturalist Henry David Thoreau through the environment he grew to think of and care for as his home. Thoreau at Home is performed by Todd Jefferson Moore and directed by Richard E.T. White, with music and sound design by Peter Richards and stage management by Emily Grierson. Working from Thoreau’s journals, David Wagoner has crafted a vivid portrait of encounters with…
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Written by poet and novelist David Wagoner, it takes us on an immersive, lyrical journey with the influential American naturalist Henry David Thoreau through the environment he grew to think of and care for as his home. Thoreau at Home is performed by Todd Jefferson Moore and directed by Richard E.T. White, with music and sound design by Peter Richards and stage management by Emily Grierson. Working from Thoreau’s journals, David Wagoner has crafted a vivid portrait of encounters with…
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DRAWING FOR BEGINNERS AND NOVICES WHO WANT TO INCREASE THEIR CRAFT With Sarah Halpern Wednesdays, Oct 4, 11, 18, 25 10 am to noon Requested donation: $40 for this four session class. Plus $18 materials fee Increase your drawing and sketching ability in this class for beginners and novices who want to get back into it. Through a series of exercises, we will explore and review the fundamentals of drawing – shape, line, texture, form and shading as well as…
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